Monday, March 16, 2009

A Controversial Picture!

Some years ago, Cambodian government destroyed a picture about the economy and corruption. This above picture is a new one that the artist redo it. What make this piece of art so powerful? The scene of the painting shows only a small corner of a typical city street near Psar Thmey. A desperate poor mother with two hungry kids represent a large proportion of Khmer population living under poverty. And a fancy Land Cruiser with the government license plate signifies the people in power and the government itself. Luxury companies in the background expose the imbalance of the economic growth. The main theme of picture is to reveal the truth that makes a corrupted government anxious about it. By the way, I would credit Mr. Khem Chantha, the artist, who expressed his honest feeling in this captivating painting. Find out more about his arts @

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