Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Former PM's Skeptical Speech.

Thailand's former Prime Minister said, "We were once second to none (in the region)." That's good that he has pride for his nation. But it sounds skeptical to me. First, if comparing to Malaysia or Indonesia, I don't see Thailand as better as these countries. We're talking about economic development here. Second, if matching to Singapore, I think Thailand needs at least half of decade or so to be at the same level. So when he mentioned that Thailand was once second to none. I'm not sure what he referred to. Maybe Kickboxing, Drugs or Prostitution, I guess. If the topic is about these things, I undoubtedly agree. He continued, "Now we can compare to Burma or Cambodia." The history is ugly Mr. former PM. It's just like a roller coaster. The glory of a nation once goes up to the peak, and come back down the start point. And I believe that we, Khmer people, can say that better. We're once the greatest empire in the East--glorious Angkor or king of the king Javaraman VII. I believe you learn all that. During the time, the world never hear that there was such people called "Thai."

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