Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thailand: Be Friend With No One!

Throughout history, Siam had become a notorious enemy with its neighbors such as Burma, Lao and Cambodia. Up till now it still be a bad neighbor. Recently, the border dispute between Thai and Cambodia is controversial topic. It started with Phreah Vihear Temple, which belongs to Khmer for almost a thousand years, was listed as World Heritage Site by Unesco. Apparently, Thai showed no respect to either Cambodia or international institutions. It began its army muscle by sending troops to the disputed area where for a long time prohibited to have neither Thai or Khmer army. Thailand also ignored Franco-Thai treaty in 1904 and 1907 in which it clearly stated both nations' border. It also worth remembering that about 2 decades ago, Thai had a bloody border battle with Lao as well. Thousands of soldiers from both sides died. Siam still makes no friend with nobody.

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